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A Message From
Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue

To our supporters,


       Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue (“SSR”) is aware of recent social media postings by co-founder and former vice-president Jennifer Aufdenberg.  SSR has been loathe to respond in the hopes of lowering temperatures, and convincing Jennifer to assist it in an ongoing investigation.  It is now clear that Jennifer Aufdenberg is not willing to constructively engage, and is bent on spreading malicious lies and misinformation.  SSR now seeks to set the record straight.

   First, SSR has committed no “unlawful” and “illegal” acts.  No monies have been “stolen”.  What SSR has done is to address some internal deficiencies.  SSR took affirmative steps to protect its donated monies, and to prevent the misappropriation of these funds.

   Second, SSR initiated an investigation into claims of malfeasance, and the misappropriation of funds by Jennifer Aufdenberg.  This investigation is ongoing, and may take some time due to Jennifer’s refusal to cooperate, share information, and provide an account of her actions.  SSR will not be litigating this investigation on social media, but will release its findings when available and verifiable.

   Third, in response to Jennifer Aufdenberg’s refusal to cooperate with SSR’s leadership in its investigation, the SSR Board of Directors properly noticed a meeting.  Jennifer Aufdenberg did not object to the meeting, or attend the meeting.  Only after the meeting’s conclusion, and her discovery that she no longer had access to SSR’s monies did Jennifer Aufdenberg object to the meeting, and its actions.  Jennifer’s unhinged social media postings then followed, making false allegations against SSR and its leadership.

   Fourth, due to Jennifer Aufdenberg’s refusal to cooperate with SSR’s investigation, and to provide an account of her actions, the SSR Board of Directors unanimously voted to remove her from office, and any association with the organization.  This decision was difficult, due to Jennifer’s past good works.  But recent events, most notably Jennifer’s inexplicably deceitful and manic behavior, as well as her unauthorized travels, apparently with the misuse of SSR funds, left the Board of Directors no choice.

   Fifth, Jennifer Aufdenberg’s claim that attorney Heidi Meizner was displaced by other counsel is false.  Ms. Meizner has provided corporate guidance to SSR in the past, and will likely continue to do so in the future.  Ms. Meizner has communicated and cooperated with SSR’s investigative counsel, and this working relationship is expected to continue.

   SSR laments Jennifer Aufdenberg’s most recent actions.  Jennifer’s spreading of lies and half-truths is a disservice to SSR, and to its many volunteers and donors.  It certainly is detrimental to SSR’s mission.

   SSR also laments Jennifer Aufdenberg’s refusal to provide transparency concerning her actions, and her expenditures of SSR monies.  Jennifer’s flight to Arizona, coupled with her obstruction, leads the SSR Board of Directors to reluctantly conclude that Jennifer has engaged in nefarious and larcenous behavior.  It is a sad moment for all concerned.

   Going forward SSR will continue its mission, without Jennifer Aufdenberg, but with leadership and volunteers dedicated to the organization’s mission.  SSR requires that its leadership commit to the highest standards of ethics and commitment to its mission.  SSR is confident that, going forward, it will continue to succeed at the highest levels.



On Behalf Of The SSR Board Of Directors

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